Confined Space Team
The need for confined space training is one that is commonly seen and not always recognized. Confined space rescue represents one of the most challenging and dangerous rescue operations undertaken by fire protection agencies and industry today.
When you drive past a utility worker entering a manhole cover, that person is entering a confined space that has the potential to contain oxygen deficient, toxic, flammable, or other dangerous atmospheres. If the worker becomes injured or overwhelmed by that atmosphere, only trained and competent rescuers will be able to safely enter that space. These actions are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Since some of these spaces have no ladder to use for entry, ropes must be employed to enter the space to assess and begin treatment of the patient. Once the patient is prepared to be removed, ropes will again be required to remove them from the space.
The Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department is committed to adequately training and equipping all members on the confined space rescue team in performing rescues safely; the team and program was developed at the request of local government to assist in complying with the rescue requirements of OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910.146.