Chief's Welcome Message
Since 1904, our Department has strived to adapt and change as the risks, threats, and challenges to the community have changed. However, I firmly believe that our greatest asset in carrying out the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department mission is our team of hard-working professionals, dedicated to the delivery of quality public safety service.
We value the history and the tradition of the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department, an organization built upon the strong shoulders of our past that has prepared us for the future. Members of the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department are well suited to lead the way – with the continued purpose of serving our community and the vision to provide a contemporary, dynamic, and sustainable fire and emergency medical services.
Within the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department, we take pride in many things that make us “Who we are.” Things like:
Our outstanding commitment to quality customer service
Our continued focus on meeting the emergency response needs of the community, even during tough budgetary times
Our belief that we are a part of the community we serve
Our commitment to providing the finest training to our personnel
The family atmosphere that permeates the organization
Our dedication to our Mission Statement
These statements set the tone for the day-to-day activities and actions that regulate how we wish to perform. The Department is made up of many individuals, with a variety of different skill sets and levels of training, all working together to serve the residents, businesses, and visitors of this fine community.
I am proud of the members of this Department. I have watched them perform heroic deeds and monumental acts of kindness & compassion while fighting to remain outside of the limelight. Time and time again our members just indicate, “I was just doing my job and what I was trained to do.”
Click around and learn more about the services we provide and the projects we are working to make Campbellsport a great place to live and work. We are a vibrant fire department that values our past, understands the present, and embraces the challenges of the future. We are committed to providing the citizens of Campbellsport and the fire districts we proudly serve with the best service possible.
In closing, our promise to all that we serve is that we will always be prepared to respond to your needs, day or night, with professionalism, compassion, and respect regardless of the situation you may find yourself in.
Craig J. Olson
Fire Chief
Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department